The key quality objectives for our operations are to:
• Be an industry leading organisation known for providing high quality services.
• Meet or exceed stakeholder requirements and expectations for quality management.
• Implement and maintain a quality management system that is fit for purpose.
All employees and stakeholders are responsible and accountable for working together to implement our quality system and create a working environment that delivers exceptional quality services and products to our clients. Management, under direction of the Board, are responsible all matters related to quality under Senversa’s control, to demonstrate that delivering quality work is a part of our corporate culture.
Senversa undertakes to:
• Define the organisational risk tolerance through appropriate risk management policies, mechanisms, guidance and control measures.
• Seek to eliminate, minimise or control unacceptable risks associated with its operations for the betterment of the firm, including its employees, directors, shareholders and other stakeholders.
• Maintain a strong awareness of opportunities for growth and evolution, and periodically consider the overall risk appetite.
Senversa will periodically identify, assess and manage risks according to the general framework of ISO31000:2009 Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines.
The Board is ultimately responsible for Senversa’s risk management framework, including ensuring that it remains sound and relevant, while management is responsible for developing and implementing an effective risk management framework and process. Senior staff and employees are responsible for the effective identification, management, reporting and control of risk within their areas of responsibility, and for developing a risk aware culture.
The employees of Senversa are the most important assets of the firm. Their health and safety at work is a core value integrated into all of our activities. The key health and safety objectives for our operations are to:
• Ensure the physical and mental wellbeing of our employees and stakeholders, and that they have a safe working environment.
• Meet or exceed stakeholder requirements and expectations for health and safety management.
• Implement and maintain a health and safety management system that is fit for purpose.
All employees and stakeholders are responsible and accountable for working together to implement our health and safety management system. Management, is responsible for all matters related to the health and safety of employees and contractors under Senversa’s control. All employees and stakeholders are empowered to stop work and communicate issues if they witness unsafe work practices or do not feel safe in completing their job tasks.
Senversa aims to create a workplace where sustainability and the environment are highly valued, and sustainable ways of conducting business are promoted and implemented. We recognise that best practice principles in sustainability are fundamental to our operational success. The key sustainability and environment objectives to maximise the positive environmental and social impacts of our operations are to:
• Be environmentally responsible and accountable, meeting company, customer and community aspirations and expectations for a sustainable future.
• Minimise environmental and other risks by employing sustainable procedures and technologies as well as minimising any environmental lifecycle impacts from our operations.
• Implement and maintain an environmental management system that is fit for purpose
All employees and stakeholder are responsible and accountable for working together to implement sustainable practices and minimise impacts to the environment as far as practicable. Management, under direction of the Board, are responsible for all matters related to sustainability and environment under Senversa’s control to demonstrate that sustainability is a part of our corporate culture.