Senversa supports an impressive practice in risk assessment, able to deliver high quality risk-based solutions for a variety of environmental contamination issues.

Our risk team uses qualitative and quantitative risk assessment techniques to assess risks to human health and the environment. This includes identifying and assessing the risk of harm as required for statutory environmental audits.

We always take a pragmatic approach to limit the level of assessment to that which is required to inform decision making. Our team are strong advocates skilled in liaising with key stakeholders (including auditors and regulators) to efficiently close out site issues.

Our risk assessment specialists are active members of both Australian and international professional organisations, ensuring current and best practice approaches to the assessment and management of risk, be it vapour intrusion assessment, groundwater transport modelling, chemical toxicity assessment or overall risk management and mitigation measures.

Above all, we place emphasis on risk based solutions and the considered use of risk assessment with respect to overall site management objectives.


Risk Assessment Services:

Human Health Risk Assessment

  • Contaminant toxicity reviews
  • Contaminant bio-accessibility studies
  • Tiered risk assessment approach
  • Derivation of site-specific clean up / screening levels
  • In house and third party software applications and review
  • Expert support, expert witness and legal support
  • Risk assessment for statutory environmental audits

Vapour Intrusion and Exposure Assessments

  • Subsurface soil vapour/gas assessments
  • Indoor air assessment and monitoring
  • Vapour transport/intrusion modelling
  • Vapour barrier design and implementation
  • Site worker and OH&S risk assessment

Ecological Risk Assessment

  • Tiered approach to terrestrial and aquatic ecological risk assessment
  • Identification of ecological values and receptors
  • Contaminant toxicity reviews
  • Surface water & sediment quality assessment
  • Toxicity reviews, biota sampling & ecotoxicity testing

Groundwater Contaminant Risk Assessment

  • Groundwater transport modelling
  • Assessment of risk to groundwater beneficial uses
  • Contaminant attenuation and biodegradation studies

Landfill Gas Risk Assessment

  • Landfill gas bore installation and monitoring
  • Gas migration modelling
  • Installation of gas mitigation measures
  • Landfill environmental risk audits

PFAS Investigation

Senversa was engaged to complete a comprehensive PFAS investigation (Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl substances) as well as a human health and ecological risk assessment at the RAAF Base East Sale, Victoria. This project was conducted in a complex hydrogeological and surface water receiving environment and within a rapidly evolving understanding of...
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Risk Assessment

As a result of the Hazelwood mine fire in 2014 which burned for 45 days, Senversa was engaged to conduct a series of investigations to assess levels of residual brown coal ash in roof cavities of residences in the Morwell area and surrounds.  This included community and stakeholder communications regarding...
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Risk Assessment and Remediation

The former Wollongong gasworks operated over the period between 1880s and late-1970s, leaving a legacy of gasworks wastes that have gradually been cleaned up in the years since. Senversa conducted soil, soil vapour, groundwater and surface water investigations, and remediation feasibility studies, in order to develop a remedial approach for...
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EPA Soil Vapour and Indoor Air Risk Assessment

Senversa worked in collaboration with the South Australian Environment Protection Authority (SA EPA) to assess and characterise a potential vapour intrusion risk from a localised chlorinated solvent groundwater plume within a residential area of Brighton, South Australia. The services required detailed planning and scheduling of field works, rapid turnaround of...
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Our Services

What we offer

Our professionals are highly qualified and span a broad range of disciplines which gives us the ability to provide advice across a full spectrum of environmental, sustainability and engineering services, as well as forming multi-disciplinary teams to deliver focussed solutions for our clients

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Have a project in mind?

Senversa attracts the highest quality professionals over a broad range of disciplines. We are accessible, honest and curious and our aim is to add value to your project.

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