Environmental laws are becoming increasingly complex and it is important that clients consider environmental issues in business planning and risk management activities.

Clients need to be well-informed and aware of their options regarding environmental issues that arise from the use of their land or impact from their sites.

Communities are becoming more involved and knowledgeable about environmental constraints and parameters, and companies need to sensitively manage environmental issues to protect their corporate reputation.

Senversa can support clients with expert services including peer review, expert support and community liaison.


Legal & Expert Support Services:

  • Peer review
  • Expert technical support
  • Expert witness
  • Environmental due diligence
  • Community liaison

Contamination Issues Review

A global legal services firm engaged Senversa to undertake a review of contamination issues at a former ropeworks which operated for approximately 100 years, closing in the early 2000s. With redevelopment of the site likely to trigger the requirement for an environmental audit, Senversa was engaged to provide advice regarding...
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Expert Support

In 2012-2014, Senversa was retained to provide contaminated land services and expert support to a water authority in relation to the management of sites impacted by legacy asbestos impacted soils. These works included rapid turnaround investigations of more than 300 sites in the authorities portfolio, hazard identification and risk assessment,...
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Expert Support

Dial a Dump Industries, NSW In one of the largest legal disputes of its kind seen in NSW Land and Environment Court (LEC), Senversa staff provided expert support to TfNSW and its lawyers Norton Rose Fulbright in connection with the valuation of the former Alexandria Landfill site, which was owned...
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Our Services

What we offer

Our professionals are highly qualified and span a broad range of disciplines which gives us the ability to provide advice across a full spectrum of environmental, sustainability and engineering services, as well as forming multi-disciplinary teams to deliver focussed solutions for our clients

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Have a project in mind?

Senversa attracts the highest quality professionals over a broad range of disciplines. We are accessible, honest and curious and our aim is to add value to your project.

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