Legal, financial and insurance providers can play an important role in  supporting clients to recognise and meet their environmental responsibilities.

Australia’s legal, finance and insurance companies can support clients in the private and public sectors with issues relating to environmental  risk, responsibility and regulation.

Senversa, with our in-depth knowledge of local and national regulatory requirements, is able to assist banks, legal firms and insurers effectively represent their clients with a focussed response to environmental management issues.


Contamination Issues Review

A global legal services firm engaged Senversa to undertake a review of contamination issues at a former ropeworks which operated for approximately 100 years, closing in the early 2000s. With redevelopment of the site likely to trigger the requirement for an environmental audit, Senversa was engaged to provide advice regarding...
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Expert Witness

A large former manufacturing plant in Edwardstown, was subject to arbitration hearings before the South Australian Claims and Administration Tribunal. The proceedings were associated with the assessment, remediation and suitability of use for this large contaminated site. Graeme Miller of Senversa’s Adelaide office was engaged to provide expert evidence on...
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Expert Support

Dial a Dump Industries, NSW In one of the largest legal disputes of its kind seen in NSW Land and Environment Court (LEC), Senversa staff provided expert support to TfNSW and its lawyers Norton Rose Fulbright in connection with the valuation of the former Alexandria Landfill site, which was owned...
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Remediation Liability Advice

Senversa was engaged by the (then) Department of Planning and Environment to provide an independent expert opinion to support the Department’s assessment of compliance with conditions of approval and financial assurance provisions for the remediation of the former Pasminco Cockle Creek smelter and Incitec fertiliser plant. Previous lead and zinc...
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